
I finally get to see one of my favourite comedians perform on Monday night! Jimeoin is doing some gigs at the Soho Theatre and as soon as I saw it in the paper, booked tickets for some friends and I to go. I've heard he's hilarious live, I love watching him on TV so hopefully it'll be just as funny...I'll never forget the gag he did about moths being attracted to light and then having a go at reaching the moon...literally made my sides ache!
My photos from New York are all online now so I will post a short travel diary (my condensed version otherwise it will go for pages) sometime during the week, with some photos to accompany it.
Other than that, the Oscars are on tomorrow night and I'm hoping Little Miss Sunshine wins Best Picture (and the other awards its nominated for, brilliant movie).
Hi Michelle! This is a very very very late but huge THANK YOU for spending the day with me in London. I hope you started to feel better after we left you. The shopping day was great - despite the crowds. We could not have done it without you. The rest of our trip was fantastic. I can't wait to move over there (hopefully soon) and make the most of all that beautiful snow, as you are!!
And for my news - I'm engaged!!! Jon proposed on the weekend :) We are so so excited!!!
Can't wait to see your New York photos. I hope we can shop in London again one day (with more money!)
Take care Chelle,
Hayles xxx
Hey babe!!!
Sorry I've not typed for ages, I moved house and there are massive issues but to keep it short....I have no phone which means no internet! I really didnt realise how much I needed it! (Im at work now- so bad but meh)
So hows everything been? any new to report?
Im starting PRAC on 30/4/07 im at North Perth Primary and I've got year 7s..OMG but it should be ok, I've done them before.
My new addy is 342 Walcott Street, Mount Lawley, 6050.
I'm living alone again, James decided to buy a house and Andrew was not alowed to move in with us... so its back to mega expensive rent, and dinners for one but thats the fun and games of the big city!
Had surgery last Wednesday, it was so so so terrible but had to be done. I will get the results in 5 weeks.....fingers crossed!!
OK I'm off Ill type again when I have the internet!
Hope your safe and well, miss you, wish you were home xxxxxxx
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